topchamp: Hi, I took a look at your site. It's nice and chatty and easy to like! PS; regrettably, not the drinks cart!(But you would say that, wouldn't you.)
Hey, I used to own one of those. It’s the Trojan2000 Ejacumat. It was innovative for its day but very hard to keep clean and prone to “jamming.” Yes, very unfortunate, that jamming problem.
serenity: Yes, the very idea that a computer has to fit into a box and be plugged into mains power will seem laughable. I think systems will be throwaway devices that one might, for example, iron into a garment so that it instructs a washing machine how to clean it. I daresay wristwatches will have more computing power than our current desktop models!
slaghammer: ....and to think that I always believed that the Trojan2000 Ejacumat was a sex toy.
Is it IBM machine- the earliest version of supercomputer?
I think it's the drinks cart...
Ok - so I've not scooby.
I listened to June Tabor - and have to agree that the music is beautiful.
benny: You are on the right track!
topchamp: Hi, I took a look at your site. It's nice and chatty and easy to like! PS; regrettably, not the drinks cart!(But you would say that, wouldn't you.)
1956 exactly.
It's a Hard Disk Drive with a capacity of 5mb. I believe it was the first portable(!) HDD.
Wow, and they were probably marveling over the portability of something that could hold THAT much data lol!
They'll probably be laughing at us in 50 years too!
Hey, I used to own one of those. It’s the Trojan2000 Ejacumat. It was innovative for its day but very hard to keep clean and prone to “jamming.” Yes, very unfortunate, that jamming problem.
serenity: Yes, the very idea that a computer has to fit into a box and be plugged into mains power will seem laughable. I think systems will be throwaway devices that one might, for example, iron into a garment so that it instructs a washing machine how to clean it. I daresay wristwatches will have more computing power than our current desktop models!
slaghammer: ....and to think that I always believed that the Trojan2000 Ejacumat was a sex toy.
Just got back online. Oh so I thought it was a computer.
My new blog, To Discover Ice, is at: See you there!
The best and worst thing about blogs happen to be the same exact thing; everyone can have one
sir It’s the Trojan2000 Ejacumat....right na?
water damage maine
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